- Spectacle
Linda Hayford – Shapeshifting
Premier solo de la chorégraphe rennaise, membre du Collectif FAIR-E à la tête de la direction du Centre chorégraphique national de Rennes et de Bretagne.
- Spectacle
Cie ALS, Cecile Laloy – IE [famille]
La Comédie de Saint-ÉtienneA choreographic and theatrical investigation into family relationships.
- Spectacle
Cia. Maduixa – Mulïer
Metropolitan area, RegionMulïer is a piece of dance on stilts performed by five amazons who, in a tribute to all women, deliver a ballet featuring moments of unison and dazzling bursts of energy.
- Spectacle
Qudus Onikeku – Re:INCARNATION
Metropolitan area, RegionChannelling the groove of his home city Lagos, the Nigerian choreographer revisits 1970s afrobeat with today’s hip hop, dance hall and funky house.
Metropolitan area, Region
Fusing theatre and dance, this bold and essential new work addresses the issue of emancipation, with five young dancers in the process of turning professional.
Les Nuits de Fourvière
South African choreographer Robyn Orlin reconnects with French singer Camille in her new piece, a concert/performance of riveting emotional power.
TNP, Villeurbanne
After The Great Tamer, Dimitris Papaioannou, whose every creation carries a sublime and impactful force, is once more likely to make a big impression. The best-known contemporary Greek choreographer is again taking on the challenge of an international production.
- Spectacle
Yuval Pick – Vocabulary of need
Maison de la DanseYuval Pick, who heads the National Choreography Centre of Rillieux-laPape, has long approached his output as an exploration of the ties between dance and music. Vocabulary of need deepens this continuum, drawing on Johann Sebastian Bach’s Partita No.2 in D minor (BWV 1004) for solo violin.
Théâtre de la Renaissance
The mother of African contemporary dance, who has just won the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale, reminds us that “a rootless tree cannot grow” in this autobiographical solo directed by Mikaël Serre.
In the spring of 2020, from an impossibility, the program Danser Encore was imagined by Julie Guibert, the new director of the Ballet de l'Opéra de Lyon.
Ioannis Mandafounis seizes La Tornade, a monumental installation made out of paper, to propose two pieces: one interpreted by the young Ballet of the CNSMD of Lyon, the other, an original experimental duo.
- Installation
Christophe Haleb – Entropic Now
Usines FagorWith Entropic Now, Christophe Haleb creates a poetic, underground urban space where young people express their vision of another society to an immersed audience.
- Installation
Irvin Anneix – Cher futur moi
Usines FagorWho are today’s teenagers? What do they desire, and how do they see their future? This compelling video installation offers some answers.
- Installation
Pierre Giner – I-Dance
Usines FagorCreate your own avatar and step onto a digital dancefloor!
- Spectacle
Flora Détraz – Muyte Maker
Le TNG, VaiseIn this piece, joy is postulated as both a resistive force and a creative potential.
Le danseur et chorégraphe François Chaignaud et l’artiste butō Akaji Maro créent un dialogue dansé libre et subversif autour de la rébellion continue de la chair par la fiction et l'artifice.
Après avoir beaucoup créé pour d'autres, Yoann Bourgeois se remet en jeu personnellement au plateau avec les paroles impossibles. Il nous livre un manifeste amoureux pour l’esprit poétique.
- Spectacle
Mathurin Bolze - Les hauts plateaux
Lyon, RegionMathurin Bolze hits the heights on the high plateaux in a piece for seven acrobats that explores the poetry of weightlessness!
- Spectacle
Olivier Dubois – Itmahrag
Usines FagorEver since the unforgettable Tragédie, Olivier Dubois has been shaking up bodies and minds. In Itmahrag, a hymn to freedom, seven Egyptian performers are transcended by mahraganat, a kind of music blending rap and electro.
- Spectacle
Josef Nadj – Omma
Les Nuits de FourvièreThe new piece by Hungarian choreographer Josef Nadj, Omma is primarily a story about sharing and transmission. Featuring a group of eight dancers, it is infused with influences, movements, cultures and histories.
- Spectacle
Bab Assalam & Sylvain Julien – Derviche
Les Aires - Théâtre de Die et du DioisA spiritual journey inspired by philosophy and Sufi music, giving rise to a poetic trance performed by the Franco-Syrian group and circus artist Sylvain Julien.
- Spectacle
Serge Aimé Coulibaly - Wakatt
Théâtre de la Croix-RousseOne of the most engaged choreographers of his generation, Serge Aimé Coulibaly casts a keen and kindly eye on the world, to inform dance that drinks from every spring.
- Performance
Noé Soulier – Removing Reset
Usines FagorA re-creation of Removing for 40 dancers, from the Jeune Ballet du Conservatoire national supérieur musique et danse de Lyon and from the École du Centre national de la danse contemporaine d'Angers.
- Performance
Christophe Haleb – Entropic Now - Performance
Usines FagorWith Entropic Now, Christophe Haleb creates a poetic, underground urban space where young people express their vision of another society to an immersed audience.
- Spectacle
Brigel Gjoka & Rauf "Rubberlegz" Yasit en collaboration avec William Forsythe – Neighbours (Part I)
Usines FagorThe first part of a diptych created and performed by the “abstract b-boy” Rauf “RubberLegz” Yasit and the choreographer-performer Brigel Gjoka.
- Performance
Thierry Thieû Niang – Inouï
Lyon, Metropolitan areaFrom diverse manifestations of teen turmoil to the invention of games, to rites around attraction and taboos, it is often amid chaos that adolescents undergo development and metamorphosis, and… become. They try things out, take chances, fall over and get back up. Clumsy or assured, they live their lives as they are, at once vulnerable and invincible.
TNP, Villeurbanne
Summoned to stand trial on stage, evil is articulated here through its creatures’ bodies and voices. A cathartic work on a universal theme.
- Expérience Fagor
Studio orbe, Éric Minh Cuong Castaing & Nach – Vibes
Usines FagorA dance-gathering and audio app, Vibes lets users gather to simultaneously share a moment of dance in a given place.
- Performance
Saïdo Lehlouh – Apaches
Usines FagorIs it possible to watch a hip hop performance? Yes, anyone can! Get to it, Apaches!
- Spectacle
Ousmane Sy – Queen Blood
Metropolitan area, RegionNew figure of the hip hop scene, the choreographer Ousmane Sy takes on the dancers of his group Paradoxsal in a rhythmic rhythmic journey where the singular feeds the collective.
- Spectacle
Collectif Ès – Loto3000
Usines FagorThe third episode of La Série Populaire, a project stemming from the desire to revisit practices related to popular events.
- Spectacle
Nach – Nulle part est un endroit
Lyon, RegionIn a danced lecture that takes its title from Richard Baquié’s sculpture, the choreographer presents the multiple roots and shifting geographies of her artistic practice, and weaves them together.
- Performance
Concept ALL 4 HOUSE, Ousmane Sy – Master Cypher
Usines FagorA unique battle concept where all styles face off in a festive atmosphere to the rhythm of house music. The event will be an opportunity to pay a special tribute to its inventor, a hip-hop figure of international standing, who died suddenly last December.
- Spectacle
RONE & (LA)HORDE – Room With A View
Les Nuits de FourvièreRoom With A View is the not entirely chance encounter between electronic-music maestro RONE and the collective (LA)HORDE, which heads the Ballet National de Marseille and featured in the last Lyon Dance Biennale.
Metropolitan area, Region
Tu me suis ? is the encounter between a male dancer expert in the vocabulary of hip hop and a female clown versed in verbal acrobatics. A playful and mischievous format.
- Spectacle
Euripides Laskaridis – Elenit
Maison de la DanseNo longer used because it is carcinogenic, the building material elenit lends its name to a jubilant piece of dance-theatre about humankind’s tendency to fail.
Opéra de Saint-Etienne
Thierry Malandain's main source of inspiration is music: his choregraphy flows from the composer's intentions, and from the emotions and feelings he experiences while listening.
- Spectacle
Collectif A/R – everything is temporary
Théâtre d'AurillacThe second opus in a form that h o m e began to explore, everything is temporary – two dancers, two musicians – experiments with the perception of time.
- Spectacle
Fouad Boussouf – OÜM
Metropolitan area, RegionWith OÜM, Fouad Boussouf pays stirring homage to Umm Kulthum, the Egyptian diva of Arab song, and to Omar Khayyam, the Persian writer whose poems celebrating trance and rapture she sang.
- Spectacle
José Montalvo – Carmen Torô Torö Torõ
Metropolitan area, RegionIn Carmen Torô, Torö, Torõ, the latest family show by José Montalvo, the choreographer invents a multifaceted, universal and joyous Carmen.
- Spectacle
Denis Plassard – Dans le détail
RegionDenis Plassard invents a choreographic game with a criminal backdrop, and invites spectators to carry out an investigation to unmask the dancer/culprit!
- Spectacle
Amala Dianor – Wo-Man & Point Zéro
Théâtre de CussetFrench-Senegalese artist, a rising figure of today's dance, Amala Dianor claims a virtuoso and mixed dance.