La Biennale de Lyon
Association La Biennale de Lyon
SIREN : 315 605 535
Licence 1 : L-R-20-5770 /Licence 2 : L-R-20-5767 Licence 3 : L-R-20-5768
All content (text, graphics, logos, names, brands, designations, tabs, features, images, sounds, data, photographs, and any other material published on the website) is the property of La Biennale de Lyon or of third parties from which it has obtained exploitation rights thereto, and in no event may be used without its authorisation.
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Association La Biennale de Lyon
Siret 315 605 535 000 48
Licences 2-134881 et 3-134882
Publication director
Sabine Longin
Website created, developed and hosted by Rezo Zero
26 Rue Burdeau, 69001 Lyon - France
Tel: +33 9 72 28 04 34