The new piece by Hungarian choreographer Josef Nadj, Omma is primarily a story about sharing and transmission. Featuring a group of eight dancers, it is infused with influences, movements, cultures and histories.
This one short word, explains Nadj, makes a good title: clear, easy to pronounce, and apparently enigmatic, because in ancient Greek – in the work of Homer and Sophocles – it meant eye, sight, gaze, spectacle. And “Look beneath our eyes to better see deep inside ourselves” is the meaning of the images and visions crafted by the choreographer.
Omma is a piece for eight dancers from Africa – DR Congo, Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso – who come from diverse training and creative backgrounds spanning traditional dances, wrestling, storytelling, rap, classical dance and acrobatics. With them, Josef Nadj devised a sequence of small narratives, the atoms of a plural matter, by going back to the essence of dance. Then he handed them the stage and, for the first time, stayed out of the dancing.
Disclaimer notice
From 9 June, a health pass (negative test less than 48 hours old, vaccination certificate, or certificate of immunity) will be mandatory to access the shows scheduled at the Nuits de Fourvière.
This health pass will be required at the entrance of the festival, either on paper or digitally via the TousAntiCovid application. However, the details of this health pass will be specified by the government in the next few days.
More :
- Chorégraphie
Piece for 8 dancers
Choreography Josef Nadj | With Djino Alolo Sabin, Timothé Ballo, Abdel Kader Diop, Aïpeur Foundou, Bi Jean Ronsard Irié, Jean-Paul Mehansio, Marius Sawadogo, Boukson Séré | Artistic collaboration Ivan Fatjo | Lighting Rémi Nicolas | Music Tatsu Aoki & Malachi Favors Maghostut, Peter Brötzmann & Han Bennink, Eureka Brass Band, Jigsaw, Lucas Niggli, Peter Vogel | Stage manager Sylvain Blocquaux | Sound management Shoï
Production, Diffusion & Administration Bureau PLATÔ - Séverine Péan, Emilia Petrakis | Executive production Atelier 3+1, Coproductions Les Nuits de Fourvière, Festival International de la Métropole de Lyon, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, Le Trident, Scène Nationale de Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, MC 93 – Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis, La Comédie de Valence, Centre dramatique national Drôme-Ardèche, Charleroi danse, centre chorégraphique de Wallonie – Bruxelles, Le Grand Angle – Scène régionale / Pays Voironnais, Les Salins, Scène nationale de Martigues, Centre chorégraphique national de Tours / Thomas Lebrun (Accueil studio), Théâtre des Quatre Saisons - Scène Conventionnée d'intérêt national « Art et Création » | Support Ministère de la Culture – Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d'Ile-de France, Région Ile-de-France, Teatroskop, a programme initiated by the Institut Français, le Ministère de la Culture et le Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères, Angers - Centre National de Danse Contemporaine, CN D - Centre national de la danse, La Briqueterie - CDCN du Val-de-Marne, la Scène nationale d’Orléans
In partnership with Les Nuits de Fourvière

Associated show(s)
- Autour des spectacles
Rencontre avec Josef Nadj
Les Nuits de Fourvière
Rencontre en avant-spectacle avec Josef Nadj, au Théâtre romain de Fourvière
Retourner aux sources de la danse et du mouvement, n'est-ce pas revenir à l'origine de l'Univers ?