Yuval Pick, who heads the National Choreography Centre of Rillieux-laPape, has long approached his output as an exploration of the ties between dance and music. Vocabulary of need deepens this continuum, drawing on Johann Sebastian Bach’s Partita No.2 in D minor (BWV 1004) for solo violin.
Centred on one of Bach’s most inspired scores, this new choreographic piece for four male and four female dancers creates a link between the violin strings and the dancers’ bodies. Through their movements, they create vibrations in the space, with strokes of energy and élan that build a sense of urgency. The body language is complex and precise, to be read like an intimate calligraphy. A “fleeting embrace, between dance and music”, where eight beings seek and find each other, in infinite counterpoints.
- Chorégraphe
Piece for 8 dancers Company Cie du CCNR / Yuval Pick | Choreography Yuval Pick | Performers Julie Charbonnier, Noémie De Almeida Ferreira, Thibault Desaules, Guillaume Forestier, Andrés Garcia Martinez, Fanny Gombert, Madoka Kobayashi, Adrien Martins | Choreographer's assistant Sharon Eskenazi | Musique Max Bruckert | Lighting Sébastien Lefèvre | Scenography Bénédicte Jolys | Costumes Paul Andriamanana | Costumes assistant Gabrielle Marty & Mathilde Giraudeau | Complicit gaze Michel Raskine
Coproduction Le Théâtre - Scène Nationale de Saint-Nazaire, National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying, Taiwan), Theater Freiburg (Allemagne), KLAP Maison pour la danse (Marseille), Biennale de la danse de Lyon 2021, GRAME Centre National de Création Musicale (Lyon) | In-residence KLAP Maison pour la danse (Marseille), Maison de la Danse de Lyon
Co-hosted by the Théâtre National Populaire, Villeurbanne

Associated show(s)
- Autour des spectacles
Atelier « practice » avec Noémie De Almeida Ferreira
"Practice" workshop with Sharon Eskenazi, choreographic assistant at CCNR, around Yuval Pick's piece
Le désir d'atteindre quelque chose de plus grand se cristallise dans cette étreinte fugace entre danse et musique.