Past dates


10€ - 20€

Tu me suis ? is the encounter between a male dancer expert in the vocabulary of hip hop and a female clown versed in verbal acrobatics. A playful and mischievous format.

Collectif 4e Souffle stemmed from the 2006 encounter between clown Muriel Henry and hip-hop dancers Patrick Pires and Hakim Hachouche, in Compagnie Montalvo-Hervieu. While touring together over several years, they discovered aspects their artistic practices had in common: a penchant for improvising, audience participation, a generous-hearted attitude... They decided to undertake an experimental work with a drummer, who joined this amazing crew of multi-faceted artists. The piece intertwines dance, words and music to find a kind of togetherness through laughter. The theme of aesthetic cultures meeting and colliding quickens the pulse of this performative curiosity – a dialogue between hip-hop and humour to the rhythm of a drum kit, the metronome of their emotions.



A partir de 6 ans



In Lyon metropolitan area

Vaulx-en-Velin, Charbonnières-les-Bains

In Rhone-Alpes region



Piece for 1 dancer, 1 clown and 1 drummer Artistic direction Muriel Henry | Choreographic advice Stéphanie Chêne | Performers Muriel Henry (clown), Patrick Pirès alias P.Lock (dancer), Jérémie Prod’homme (drummer) | Costumes Érick Plaza Cochet | Lighting Pascal Aurouet

Coproduction Centre Chorégraphique National de Créteil and Val de Marne, Cie Kâfig, Centre de Danse du Galion (Aulnay-sous-Bois) | Supported by Centre Chorégraphique Pôle Pik – Pôle en Scènes (Bron), La Vilette 2015, Moov’n Aktion (Le Pré-Saint-Gervais), Ville de Rosny-sous-Bois

Petits et grands spectateurs tisseront leur propre chemin dans le dédale de ces croisements à répétitions

Collectif Quatrième Souffle