manifesto of fragility – A World of Endless Promise
Philipp Timischl – The Embedded Mentality of Self-Sufficiency, 2021
66 LED screens panels, 2 paintings (mixed media on canvas), metalmounting system, media player, video 10’00’’ (video loop)
Born 1989 in Graz, Austria.
Lives and works in Paris, France.
The hybrid oeuvre of multimedia artist Philipp Timischl questions the traditional boundaries between disciplines. His installation The Embedded Mentality of Self-Sufficiency combines painting and video, pigments and pixels, to explore the collisions between identity and image-based culture. Two pictures, framed by a LED screen, interact with a visual collage of videos from various sources. A mixture of documentation and fiction, this critical and ironic piece invents a new narrative structure, fluid and shifting. With a queer sensibility that turns the usual value systems on their head, Timischl shows how the flow of historical, artistic and media images influences our interior dialogues, our perceptions of reality, and how we relate to the outside world.
Also on view at macLYON.
Courtesy of the artist, Layr, Vienne
With the support of the Phileas Fund of Contemporary Art, the Federal Chancellery
of Austria, the Austrian Cultural Forum of Paris, Layr, Vienne
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- manifesto of fragility
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Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.
- manifesto of fragility
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- manifesto of fragility
Collection du Musée des Hospices Civils de Lyon
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- manifesto of fragility
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- manifesto of fragility
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- manifesto of fragility
Usines Fagor
- manifesto of fragility
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Usines Fagor
- manifesto of fragility
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Usines Fagor
Usines Fagor