manifesto of fragility – A World of Endless Promise
Eszter Salamon – Study for the Valeska Gert Pavilion, 2022
Commission for the 16th edition of the Biennale de Lyon
Born 1970 in Budapest.
Lives and works in Berlin and Paris.
Eszter Salamon’s work revolves around choreography employed as a means of navigating between different medias. Since 2015, the artist has been developing The Valeska Gert Monuments, a series of performative works in relation to the life and work of the German avantgarde artist Valeska Gert ; long-forgotten in dance and art history. Study for the Valeska Gert Pavilion is the latest chapter of this series, developed with eleven young dance artists from the CNSMD Lyon. The work builds on the experimental, critical and punk spirit of Valeska Gert, by creating a living archive which could offset – through citation, commentary, and fiction – the absence of historical documents. Study for the Valeska Gert Pavilion proposes undoing the usual separation of spaces and temporalities. By bringing a daily practice into the public space of an exhibition, the possibility of a new relational space opens up, creating an occasion to learn and perform as well as to exchange through various encounters with the visitors at the Fagor Factories.
Performance dates and times:
Saturdays 1st, 8, 15 & 22
From 2 to 5 pm
Nov Saturday 5, Friday 11, Saturday 12, Saturday 19, Friday 25, Saturday 26 From 2 to 5 pm
Friday 2, Saturday 3, Saturday 10
From 2 to 5 pm
Dance artists: Inès Aidat, Benjamin Charpentier, Boris Charrio, Pauline Demey, Aurélien
Labenne, Elena Lecoq, Tom Lesne, Swali Mazzaggio, Laia Prats, Luna Votadoro and
Maren Weertman
With the support of the Goethe-Institut Lyon, the Conservatoire National Supérieur
de Musique et de Danse de Lyon
In collaboration with the Jeune Ballet of the CNSMD (under the direction of Kylie Walters)
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- manifesto of fragility
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- manifesto of fragility
Hyphal Stream (Isle of Vitr.°.ous), 2022
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- manifesto of fragility
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- manifesto of fragility
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- manifesto of fragility
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- manifesto of fragility
Collection du Musée des Hospices Civils de Lyon
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- manifesto of fragility
Collection du Musée des Moulages
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- manifesto of fragility
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