Université Lumière Lyon 2
These 25 casts from the collection of the Musée des Moulages of Lumière Lyon II University, housed in a former hat factory in the third arrondissement, are plaster replicas of statues from various eras – and particularly the ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian worlds. Reproductions of what in some cases are famous originals, such as the Venus de Milo or Michelangelo’s Dying Slave, these faithful copies of three-dimensional sculptures were for a long time used in the teaching of art history and archaeology. Exposed to handling and shipping operations and historical events (such as the bombing of the Berthelot district in 1944 or the revolts of May 1968 followed by the splitting of the University of Lyon), the fragile items bear chips and cracks that testify to their long history and also to that of the original statues they represent and of which they are sometimes the only three-dimensional trace.
From the left to the right :
Ploutos et Eirénée, L574
Athéna Lemnia, L406
Coureuse Barberini, L385
Poète romain, L867
Diane de Gabies, L652
Niobé, 6586
Agias, 659
Apollon de Choiseul-Gouffier, L637
Hermès Farnèse, L621
Harmadios (tyrannoctone imberbe), L343
Vénus d’Arles, L625
Korè, L1009-1010
Hermès et Dionysos, L620
Silène et Dionysos, L712
Silène, L735
Satyre accoudé, L618
Esclave mourant, M488
Apollon de Kassel, L372
Caryatide, L278
Vénus de Milo, L598
Marcellus, L880
Vénus Esquilin, L366
Vénus Génitrix, L464
Amazone blessée, L452
Tête de la Vénus de Milo, L598
Athéna de Tivoli, L42\
Musée des Moulages - Université Lumière Lyon II
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