Past dates


5€ plein tarif / 3€ tarif réduit. Gratuit les 17 et 18 septembre à l’occasion des Journées Européennes du Patrimoine et tous les 1ers dimanche du mois. Visites commentées : 4,50 € – Durée : 1h environ

Exhibition in the framework of the International Festival of Extra Ordinary Textiles (FITE). The FITE is a project that shows our contemporary world far from being only a place where we show know-how or exceptional fabrics. For the past 10 years, it has aimed to "change the world", by exploring human diversity through textiles from different countries and countries and through actions with diverse audiences.

Exhibition co-curated by the association HS_Projets, the Bargoin Museum - Clermont Auvergne Métropole and Severija Incirauskaite-Kriauneviciene from the Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania.


tout public

In Rhone-Alpes region
