Thierry Thieû Niang is a dancer and choreographer.


Thierry Thieû Niang is a dancer and choreographer. In parallel to his creative output, he initiates choreographic-research workshops around cross-disciplinary projects – dance, theatre, music, visual arts and literature – for professionals and amateurs, children and seniors, people with autism, and prisoners in France and abroad. An Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters; a recipient of grants from Villa Médicis in Vietnam and the Unesco-Aschberg Foundation in Kenya, and of the SACD award for choreography in 2019, he gives sessions at art schools, at dramatic-art and dance conservatories, at neighbourhood charities, hospitals and prisons in various towns and cities. In the theatre, opera and cinema, Thierry Thieû Niang has worked with, among others, Marie Desplechin, Linda Lê, Ariane Ascaride, Anne Alvaro, Hiam Abbas, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Lena Paugam, Lilo Baur, Anne Théron, Pierre Guyotat, Alberto Manguel, Jean-Louis Martinelli, Pascal Rambert, Jean Bellorini, Jean-Baptiste Sastre, Éric Caravaca, Vincent Sauve, Raphaël Imbert and Denis Darzacq.

In 2019-2020, he was guest artist at the Avicenne hospital, at the MC93 cultural centre in Bobigny and at the École du Nord – Théâtre du Nord in Lille. From the 2020-2021 season onwards, he is guest artist at the Théâtre National Populaire (TNP) in Villeurbanne. He will also perform in Lilo Baur’s new piece, Two Old Women, scheduled to premiere in March 2021 at the TNP.