Past dates
6€ à 28€
Orchestrating an encounter-cum-fight between a woman and a statue pedestal, Phia Ménard continues to chip away at the foundations of our societies’ patriarchal violence, through the imaginative realm and a call to dream.
In a neat French garden bathed in the light of dusk, a woman comes across the pedestal of a monumental statue; only its feet are visible. She is unable, and unwilling, to avoid it. A fight ensues, in an atmosphere of courage and mild absurdity. Starting with the most decried article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – the one that guarantees everyone the right to freedom of movement on Earth – Phia Ménard tackles the bloody reign of borders, from the pedestal up. Against the walls and barbed wire of Fortress Europe, against the paradigm of Western modernity which separates humans from nature, she brandishes the weapon of imagination and the power of fable, urging us to learn how to dream again. A kind of resistance and self-reinvention, in the footsteps of the Yanomami shaman Davi Kopenawa. With ART. 13, Phia Ménard, a multi-disciplinary artist who explores the imaginative realms of transformation, kicks off a new trilogy: the cycle of ruins.
In Rhone-Alpes region
- Chorégraphe
Piece for 1 performer – 2023
Origianl idea, stage direction, writing & stage design Phia Ménard Stage direction assistant Clarisse Delile Performed & choreographed by Marion Blondeau Playwriting Camille Louis Stage design Phia Ménard, Clarisse Delile and Eric Soyer Sound design Ivan Roussel Costume design Fabrice Ilia Leroy assisted by Yolène Guais Light design Eric Soyer assisted by Gwendal Malard Stage Rodolphe Thibaud, Ludovic Losquin, David Leblanc, Nicolas Marchand Stage technique David Leblanc, Nicolas Marchand Technical direction Olivier Gicquiaud Light technique Aliénor Lebert Co-director, administrator, diffusion officer of the dance company Claire Massonnet Administration & production assistance Constance Winckler Communication & production Justine Lasserrade
Coproduction Biennale de la danse de Lyon 2023, TANDEM, Scène nationale, Hippodrome de Douai, Le TNB, Centre Européen Théâtral and Chorégraphique de Rennes, Les Quinconces–L’Espal, Scène nationale du Mans, Malraux Scène nationale Chambéry–Savoie, Les 2 Scènes scène nationale de Besançon, La Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand scène nationale, Le Volcan, Scène Nationale du Havre, Les Halles de Schaerbeek - Brussels, La Comédie de Valence, CND Drôme-Ardèche, le Lieu Unique, centre de cultures contemporaines de Nantes, DE SINGEL, Centre Artistique International - Antwerpen, MC93 - maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis in Bobigny, Le Centre chorégraphique national d’Orléans
The Compagnie Non Nova – Phia Ménard is subsidised and supported by État – Préfet de la région des Pays de la Loire - direction régionale des affaires culturelles, la Ville de Nantes, le Conseil Régional des Pays de la Loire and le Conseil Départemental de Loire-Atlantique. The company is supported by the Institut français.
The Compagnie Non Nova – Phia Ménard is an associate artist at TNB, Centre Européen Théâtral and Chorégraphique de Rennes, at la Maison de la danse and at la Biennale de la danse de Lyon 2023, at la scène nationale de l’Essonne. She is associated to la Comédie de Valence centre dramatique national Drôme-Ardèche for the 2023/2024 season and is an affiliated artist of la Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand scène nationale. The dance company is based in Nantes.
Biennale coproduction
Co-hosted with the Célestins – Théâtre de Lyon

Associated show(s)
- Autour des spectacles
Open residency
Compagnie Non Nova - Phia Ménard - ART. 13Célestins – Théâtre de Lyon
Discover the works in progress...
- Autour des spectacles
Post-show chat – Compagnie Non Nova – Phia Ménard - ART. 13
Célestins – Théâtre de Lyon
Post-show chat with the artists