Past dates



In collaboration with Purple Effect

Moderator: Rose-Amélie Da Cunha, Club Bingo programmer and event organiser

Some 3,500 people are expected to come and party throughout September at Club Bingo, the new attraction at the Usines Fagor. When this type of event is held, how do you ensure that spaces are safe for everyone? What are festivals responsible for? What resources are there in the performing arts? At the Biennale de la danse, we kick off the discussion with representatives of non-profit Purple Effect, party event organisers and the attending audience

PURPLE EFFECT is a French non-profit that champions values such as respect, considerateness and inclusiveness. Their volunteers, called “night buddies”, are present in crowds at festive events and assist any customers who feel the need. They fight all forms of violence and discrimination through prevention, protection, and training volunteers in issues around consent, prevention and safety.

