Venues and dates

  • Le Cloitre Art Contemporain

    • From

    Opening hours

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Closed Thursday, Sunday Closed Friday, Saturday 3PM - 7PM



Blaise Adilon, Patrick Condouret, Pierre David, Gardar Eide-Einarsson, Jean-Lucien Guillaume, Rémy Jacquier, Frédéric Khodja, Reza Kabirnia, Jérémy Liron, Suan Muller, Markus Raetz, Niek van de Steeg, Bernard Venet

Memory, remembrance, the referent are the founding elements of the works of the artists brought together for the exhibition What (re)binds us. Considered as the link between the artist and his lived experiences, the works reveal a reflection or simply denounce a perception of life with all that is essential and what connects us to our personal heritage.


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Event(s) around the project