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The "La dynamique des choses" collective is made up of 5 women artists based in France, Luxembourg and Germany. They combine their know-how and individual artistic practices: performance, drawing, installation, sculpture, weaving, dance, costume design... to offer moments of co-creation and sharing with the public. They travel throughout the European Union, setting up multidisciplinary research and creation micro-residencies in which the public is invited to create or activate devices, leading to the creation of pieces that evolve from residency to residency.

The "La dynamique des choses" collective is made up of 5 women artists based in France, Luxembourg and Germany. They combine their know-how and individual artistic practices: performance, drawing, installation, sculpture, weaving, dance, costume design... to offer moments of co-creation and sharing with the public. They travel throughout the European Union, setting up multidisciplinary research and creation micro-residencies in which the public is invited to create or activate devices, leading to the creation of pieces that evolve from residency to residency.

The collaboration between artists and visitors promotes a participatory and popular initiative that strengthens civic involvement, collective memory and the inclusion of all living things. These exchanges with the public give legitimacy to spontaneous, amateur and intuitive gestures.

Continuing its creative process based on horizontality, solidarity, hospitality, benevolence and sensitivity to the environment, the collective is pursuing a project initiated at the "territoire" festival in Nancy in August 2024. During a collaborative performance, the public is invited to join the artists in thinking up and bringing to life a fair and supportive eco-feminist society. Based on Audrey Lorde's statement that "you'll never demolish the master's house with the master's tools", new codes and rituals are invented: nomadic architecture, ritual objects, a sung constitution, poetic and funny gestures as proposals for another societal system.

The collective welcomes visitors to its nomadic architecture, a heterotopia, a space that brings people together and provides fertile ground for reflection, where relationships and connections between living beings are woven differently. It's a point of departure, an element of passage for the creation of a new way of "living" in a real space.


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