Venues and dates

  • Collection de la Praye


    • From

    Opening hours

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Closed Saturday, Sunday 3PM - 8PM


Free entrance

"Psygmes" is a polymorphous artistic experience combining graphic poetry, sound and animated. The immersive exhibition offers panels evoking comic strips, accompanied by synchronized music.. A cartoon based on these images completes this singular, dreamlike event.

After twenty years dedicated to creating audiovisual works with computers, I decided to reconnect with a more direct and tactile sensory practice. From this resolution was born the "Psygmes" project, which merges image and music, thanks to a fruitful collaboration with Estreich, a long-time composer friend. The project takes two complementary forms. Firstly, it is a graphic and sound poem executed in black ink on white support. This work is composed of paintings whose cutouts may be reminiscent of comics. Secondly, “Psygmes” takes the form of a dreamlike and musical cartoon, a true extension of the visual universe, where the images on the panels are the fundamental elements. We offer an immersive exhibition which brings together black and white paintings printed in A0 format, accompanied by a sound composition, and a three-minute cartoon projected continuously. Each new presentation will be enriched with the most recent creations, giving the whole a dynamic in perpetual evolution, like the periodical comics magazines which proposed the continuation in the next issue. “Psygmes” will be transformed into a musical book whose publication will take place when the cycle of exhibitions has been closed, that is, when forty pages have been produced and exhibited. Sam Quentin


All audiences

In Rhone-Alpes region
