Venues and dates


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The CACL is continuing a new cycle of support in collaboration with the DRAC Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes – Ministry of Culture – Companionship. We are excited to create special connections in 2024 with artists Valentin Merle and Floriane Facchini.

On November 9, a major exhibition banquet will be organized alongside the four first invited artists, including Romane Chabrol and Zoé Chalaux, who joined us in 2023. This event will be held in partnership with La Luge.

Valentin Merle Valentin Merle explores fundamental artistic elements such as form, color, and gesture, focusing on the relationship between humans and their environment. Specializing in plant dyeing, he combines this craft with drawing and sculpture, using locally sourced natural materials. His work, based on repetitive gestures, invites viewers into a meditative state of concentration and questions the ecological impact of artistic production.

Floriane Facchini Floriane Facchini uses food and the act of eating to examine our connection to the land and natural resources. Her work goes beyond mere taste experience, addressing themes such as local history and interdependence with nature. She creates participatory experiences tailored to each context, drawing on an ethnographic approach and collaborating with local stakeholders to forge social and poetic connections.


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In Rhone-Alpes region

Plateau d'Hauteville