Past dates


6 € full price / 4 € reduced price / free -18 yo / free for all the first Sunday of the month

Entitled « Les voix des fleuves. Crossing the water », the 17th Lyon Biennale invites artists to meditate on human relationships and values such as altruism. The municipal museum Paul-Dini presents artworks from its collection proposing to question our relations to the surrounding world.

The exhibition explores mainly three complementary themes : hospitality, exchange and conviviality. Hospitality is the quality of being welcoming to guests and strangers, receiving them in one’s home and offering them one’s protection. The connection thus formed between two othernesses – the stranger’s and our own, needs respect and trust to thrive. Dialogue and communication help to break down the boundaries that divide us. Common language and sharing help us grow close to each other, and gradually reception becomes conviviality, and hospitality becomes inclusion. The different ways those interactions may influence us on a daily basis will be questioned by the artworks of various contemporary artists, such as Patrice Giorda, Patrice Mortier, Piero Manai, Jean-Marc Scanreigh, Alain Chevrette, Daniel Tillier, Karim Kal, Martine Clerc, Jean-Albert Carlotti, Eric Roux-Fontaine, Daniel Firman, Crisitna Tavares. Artworks from the 19th and early 20th centuries will also be on display, in order to explore the evolution of these themes in art.


All public

In Rhone-Alpes region
