Born in 1995 in Semur-en-Auxois, France
Lives and works in Paris, France

“The aim of my work is above all to invent stories” says Juliette Green. Since she was a teenager, she has been producing diagrams made up of drawings and texts that give shape to stories she has imagined on the basis of both real and speculative data, and which are sometimes linked to the context in which they are exhibited. Her fictional twocolour diagrams weave networks of answers to questions as varied as “What lies behind the facades of a building?” or “How does a recipe travel through time?”. Juliette Green’s works, which combine drawing, writing, cartography and computer graphics, never take the same path — circular, labyrinthine or linear — they conceive of and represent the world in all its infinite possibilities.

Between digital love letters and online dating sites, Juliette Green’s drawing Amour et technologie (“Love and technology") explores the different facets of communication in love. In the age of social networking and new technologies, her work questions the role of electronic tools in defining intimate relationships and the language of romance. The experiences and life stories of different individuals reflect the hopes, regrets, doubts and desires of anyone who loves in the 21st century

Discover also

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Tirdad Hashemi & Soufia Erfanian

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Omer FastContinuity, 2012

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Jesper JustNo Man is an Island II, 2004

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Elsa & Johanna

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Annette Messager

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Chantal AkermanIn the Mirror, 1971

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Nadav KanderChongqing IV (Sunday Picnic), 2006

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)