manifesto of fragility – A World of Endless Promise
Omar Rajeh & Mia Habis – Walking in Wrinckles, 2022
Choregraphic installation, video with sound, 22’00’’
Born in London, UK, and in Beirut, Lebanon, respectively.
Live and work in Lyon, France.
With their background in dance and choreography, Mia Habis and Omar Rajeh explore the physical and philosophical potential of the human body. Their new installation of moving images, Walking in Wrinkles, probes the fragility of the ageing body of Georges Macbriar. The protagonist’s gestures, captured by the camera, provide testimony to his long story. “In fact”, Macbriar reportedly said to the artists during filming, “what you’re asking me to do is summarise a hundred years in a single movement.” Habis and Rajeh’s creation – at once cinematographic, musical, robotic and choreographic – invites the audience to partake in a sensory experience through the fragile yet resilient movements of a hundred-year-old body.
Commission for the 16th edition of the Biennale de Lyon
A Maqamat production, co-production by La Biennale d’art contemporain de Lyon
With the support of Cinéfabrique, L.E.FT Architects, Grame-Centre National de Création Musicale, Veduta
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- manifesto of fragility
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- manifesto of fragility
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Usines Fagor
- manifesto of fragility
Julio Anaya Cabanding – Théodore Chassériau. Ange étreignant la croix, 2022
Usines Fagor
- manifesto of fragility
Jeremy Shaw – Maximum Horizon, 2022
Usines Fagor
- manifesto of fragility
Aurélie Pétrel –Minuit chez Roland [31 décembre], 2022
Usines Fagor
- manifesto of fragility
James Webb – A Series of Personal Questions Addressed to a Roman Coin, 2019
Usines Fagor
- manifesto of fragility
Collection du Musée des Hospices Civils de Lyon
Usines Fagor
Usines Fagor